Kids Goat Farm

Our Farms - Lodwar


Lodwar Town

Lodwar is a small town and capital of Turkana District, in Kenya. It has a population of 17,000 and is severely economically deprived. Its main industries are basket weaving and tourism. Many inhabitants are terribly under nourished. The lack of health and education opportunities cannot be comprehended by a resident of the developed world. Many facilities which are taken for granted even in Third World countries are totally absent in this remote and improvished region of Kenya.

The Lodwar Farm

This farm was originally started with 21 goats assigned to 21 children each. This has seen a growth of the farm with current figures standing at 61 Adult Goats and 48 New Births hence raising the number of goats on this farm to 109 Goats. It has a caretaker by the name of Stephen Essekon.