Kids Goat Farm

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Latest Visits

In the recent past we have conducted visits to the farms in Kilgoris and Lodwar. This was done late last year (2011) during our founder's visit to Kenya. He was able to visit the children and their goats. The kids were very happy to meet a representative of the Donors who purchase the goats for them.

Such visits have strengthened the bond between the local communities, the administration and the donor community. These projects have been received with warm welcome in every community we venture into and this has encouraged the coordination team to explore many other communities whose needy children will be beneficiaries of this noble project.

Occasionally livestock in Kenya are affected by floods and diseases but with care these two can be controlled.

Latest Donations - October 2011

We are pleased to inform you that Children in Lodwar have received a new bunch of 11 goats. This has seen an increase in the number of goats in the Turkana region. A comprehensive breakdown of the goats can be viewed here